Thursday, March 28, 2019

Zach Snyder and the DCEU

I am a life long DC comics fan. As far back as I can remember, I've loved and followed the adventures of Superman, Batman and Robin, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and many others. So when a shared DC film universe was announced in 2012, I was beyond excited. Especially since it was announced that a new Superman movie would kick the universe off.

Seven years later, its a safe bet to say that this cinematic universe has had some ups and downs. I love some of the films, while others are just meh. The films that are directed by Snyder are my meh films, while the ones he is not directly involved with are my favorites. For my tastes, Snyder is too dark, and too inspired by Alan Moore and Frank Miller, whom are not my favorite comic writers.

Needless to say, I've always been interested in why Snyder made certain cinematic choices that he did with his films. Well this past week, I received some answers to those questions. After reading his logic behind his decision making, I more so cannot help but disagree with him.

Here's an article that does a much better job than I describing the situation and presenting a counter argument. One day, I think I'll write a more in-depth piece about why I disagree, but right now I'm having a difficult time formulating my thoughts.

But this article is an excellent jumping off piece.

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