Monday, January 21, 2019

My First Audio Essay

A couple of weeks ago I published my first ever audio essay. It focuses on an usually topic, paper. I like how unusually the topic is, because it allowed me to really bring a unique approach, and develop some interesting perspectives on the subject matter.

I was also caught by surprise by the reception I've received from it. It's been positive for the most part. This has really given me a confidence bust, and motivated me to begin writing a second one for publication. It's weird, over the past few years, I've really begun to enjoy writing. In fact, if you would of told me a few years ago that this would of been the case, I would of never believed you.

I see the audio essays as a very formal way of writing, with a lot of editing. Which is good and bad. The good is that it is forcing me to do way more edits that I am used to, however it is a very rewarding and enriching experience seeing the evolution of the piece through the edits. I can literally track its changes, which has been interesting.

Anyway, here's my first audio essay.

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