Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Meeting One of Your Heroes

Photo Credit: Claudia Herrera
It's always a tricky thing, meeting one of your heroes. Mainly because you never know if that person will live up to the hype that you have established in your mind. Like if they are a jerk, that can totally ruin your perspective on them. It may even damage how you view their art. (It may cause you to no longer be a fan of theirs.)

On Friday, June 19th I met one of my heroes. William Elliott Whitmore. Not only did he live up to the hype in my head, but he exceed it. Whitmore, without a doubt, is one of the nicest, coolest guys, I have ever met. He was super chill. Answered all of the questions I asked, and even performed two songs live on the radio.

Sometimes you get moments like this, that when you are in it, you know it is special. For me, June 19th was that special day.

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